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Year-Round Education


Academic Session

Our Academic Session starts in mid August and is completed in May. Students may arrive at school as early as 7:30 AM and remain until 5:30 PM without incurring Before or After care charges.


Our daily class schedule begins at 9:00 AM for Sunshine Kids and Clover Club. Rainbow Dreamers and Kindergarten begin at 8:30 AM. Elementary Grades begin at 8:00 AM. Academics are a critical part of the morning routine and the afternoons are filled with theme reinforcing activities. Recess is taken throughout the day as well. A well-balanced lunch is served in addition to 2 snacks served at mid-morning and mid-afternoon for all children.


For those children in Kindergarten and Elementary, periodic field trips are taken throughout the year. These trips also include an opportunity to dine out at local area restaurants. These excursions are taken on charter buses and parents are always welcome to attend.


Summer Session

Our Summer Session begins the first week of June after the Memorial Day holiday and concludes in the last full week of July. The summer term is optional for our students and we offer flexible schedules as well. Children may attend month to month, limited days a week or full time. Regardless of their schedule, academics remain a priority, but with some added summer themed activities. Math and reading programs continue to reinforce the achievements of the Academic Session and water play days are provided throughout the hot summer for some extra fun. Additionally, special lessons such as gymnastics, soccer, tennis, golf, swim, karate and musical theater are offered throughout the summer for an additional charge.

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