Creating Individual Growth
Busy Bears & Lucky Lions
All children planning to enter Kindergarten at Miss Helen's must be administered the Gesell School Readiness Screening test. Developed in 1922 by Dr. Arnold Gesell, who founded the Yale Clinic of Child Development in New Haven, the screening is based on his theory that children develop in comprehensible patterns but at different rates. Four areas of development are evaluated: social skills, language development, motor skills and adaptive behavior. The test is administered by a certified staff member. A conference is set with parents to discuss the findings of the test and plan the best educational course for the child.
The all day Kindergarten classes of Busy Bears and Lucky Lions offer reading and math programs consistent with the surrounding school districts. The reading program is a dual curriculum: classroom phonics and literature based with supplemental activities in worksheets, creative writing, thematic study and site words. The math program is Saxon Math which is based on kinesthetic learning and re-enforced with worksheets.
By keeping the class uniquely individualized, each student will be challenged at their own pace. Children have daily Spanish & Computer instruction, and participate in Physical Education and Music. Field trips are taken periodically at this instruction level as well.