Diverse Learning Environments

Sunshine Kids
Sunshine Kids is Miss Helen's program for 3 year old children that are potty-trained. Many of our children have their first school experience in this pod. All are taught developmentally appropriate skills and are nurtured with care. These children actively engage with their teachers in all of the subject areas. There is a strong focus on language, verbal development, and science including basic Spanish vocabulary. Gross motor skills are enhanced through dance and music. The Sunshine Kids program utilizes art, language and math manipulatives to develop fine motor skills as well. In Sunshine Kids we are planting the seeds for tomorrow's students.
Clover Club
Clover Club is Miss Helen's program for 4 year old children. Here the expectations are increased and both fine motor and gross motor skills are strengthened. The pre-writing curriculum begins. The phonics program is intensified and stronger math opportunities are provided. In addition, they continue with dance, art, music, science and Spanish. In Clover Club, we accentuate their gifts and independence.

Rainbow Dreamers
Rainbow Dreamers is the perfect place for students 5 years of age who have missed the cut-off date to enter Kindergarten. It is also an excellent program for those children who need another year of maturity for academic success. This pod uses a kindergarten curriculum which provides a strong phonics, reading, math, language, Spanish, gross motor, science and music foundation. The handwriting program begun in Clover Club continues through this pod. We meet the needs of the student ready for the academics, but provide the time for maturity. In Rainbow Dreamers we provide a year of successful preparation for a challenging Kindergarten year.